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Electrocaloric effect

A reversible temperature change in ferroelectric materials under an applied electric field.


Magnetoelectric/multiferroic materials

Ferroelectric/ferromagnetic composites like composite of PFN-PT and CoFe2O4
Single Phase like Co4Nb2O4


High temperature superconductivity

BSCCO: wires, bulk samples


Magnetic materials

manganites, soft and hard ferittes, Heusler alloys, transition metal oxides, ...


Sample preparation:

- Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) system

- DC&RF sputtering

- Spin coating system

- Sample preparation equipments (high temperature furnace, ball mill, ... )


Measurement and characterization:

- Closed cycle helium refrigerator 

- Low temperature resistivity and magnetoresistance measurement System (20 - 320 K)

- High temperature resistivity measurement system (300 - 1000 K) 

- AC magnetic susceptibility measurement system, Lakeshore, (77 - 325 K)

The experimental condensed matter group of the Faculty of Physics consists of four faculty members. The main activity of this group is focused on making and studying the physics of various materials including magnetic materials, superconductors, nanostructures and thin films.

The experimental condensed matter group of the Faculty of Physics consists of four faculty members. The main activity of this group is focused on making and studying the physics of various materials including magnetic materials, superconductors, nanostructures and thin films.

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