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Electrocaloric effect

A reversible temperature change in ferroelectric materials under an applied electric field.


Magnetoelectric/multiferroic materials

Ferroelectric/ferromagnetic composites like composite of PFN-PT and CoFe2O4
Single Phase like Co4Nb2O4


High temperature superconductivity

BSCCO: wires, bulk samples


Magnetic materials

manganites, soft and hard ferittes, Heusler alloys, transition metal oxides, ...


Magnetic phenomena in nanostructures

magnetoresistance (CMR, AMR), exchange bias, superparamagnetism, spin-glass, magneto optic effects, …


Electrochromic, gasochromic and thermochromic materials

 Electrochromic, gasochromic and thermochromic materials


All solid state gas sensors

All solid state gas sensors


Laser matter interaction

Ablation in liquid and gas phases.


Surface physics and thin film deposition

Pulsed laser deposition (PLD), Sputtering, Spin coating, ...


Solid oxide fuel cells

 Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)


Diamond like carbon (DLC)

For more information please see: Fabrication of DLC thin films with improved diamond-like carbon character by the application of external magnetic field

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